I will say at least they did a tiny bit of research and got the state flag correct

Posted on:18/02/2025 By:admin

I will say at least they did a tiny bit of research and got the state flag correct and there was a seal on the wall in one scene that said "Washington County" and the firetrucks, etc. Where from Fayetteville (where the University of Arkansas is) and that is all accurate, though I can't speak mbts for the design and paint jobs on the emergency vehicles. It's been a while since I visited there..

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Their competitions were things like a hot dog eating contest against a bear, an obstacle course race between a Navy SEAL and an ape, and 44 dwarves vs. An elephant in an airplane pulling showdown. Incidentally, designer handbags outlet if I had a show about men fighting animals and animal rights groups and uncooperative kangaroos ruined all my good ideas, 44 dwarves pulling an airplane against an elephant is exactly how I would tell everyone to screw themselves..

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